Fiscal Systems Unattended Web Portal Manual
When you purchase the Fiscal Unattended Solution you will be sent a login instructions via E-mail with setup information in setting up your Unattended Web Portal Login. After you receive your login. point your browser to
The following dialog will appear:
Enter your login credentials and press the Login button. You will then be logged into the Unattended Web Portal.
How Do I Navigate the Fiscal Systems Unattended Web Portal?
The Home Screen for the Fiscal Unattended Portal will give you access to the following options:
1. Transactions
2. Pricing
3. Site Monitoring
4. Marketing
The below caption shows the different information options you will see on the Transaction Screen.
The Transaction Screen always displays the last 50 transactions
Hover over the Site ID to display the Site Address and the Current Code Versions
Hover over the Product Code to display the product type
Click on a transaction to display and E-mail the actual receipt
Hover over the card number to get the full Card Pan Information
Hover over the Termination Code to display its value
Hover over Status to display any Error Information sent back from the Card Processor
Further Navigation within the Transaction Screen
The Select Location Dropdown box will allow you to select more than one site at a time, if applicable.
Click on Select Location and highlight the Sites you will like to view detailed information on or you can select all or none.
Filtering Information
The Filter Tab will allow you to search for information that has been saved since you last viewed the site. More than one Filter can be used to help narrow down a search pattern.
Transactions can be filtered as show in below caption.
NOTE: When Filters are in use, the filter will turn Green. In order to see what filters are in use, you will have to select the Filters button and click Active Filters at the bottom.
The following list displays the list of available Web Portal Filters:
Date / Time - Specifies a Date and Time Range.
Identity - Filter by a Customer Identity number.
Card Number - Filter by a Customer card number. (This does not have to be the full card number).
Gallons - Filter by an exact gallon amount or “Less Then” / “Greater Than” a gallon amount.
Vehicle Card - Filter by a Vehicle card number.
Driver ID - Filter by a Customer Driver ID number.
Status - Filter by the transaction and weather it is “OK” or in “Error”.
Card Type - Filter by a particular Card Type.
Dispenser - Filter by a Dispenser number.
Product - Filter by a Fuel or Non Fuel Product type.
Termination Code - Filter by a predefined Termination Code.
Exporting Transaction Information after Filtering
Select Download File to capture the file and have it downloaded directly to your computer.
When using Google Chrome, the file will be sent directly to your computer and saved in your Download Directory. The File Name will be transactions(?).csv. The ? is for the number that will increment if you save multiple transaction files.
When using Internet Explorer, you will be prompted on what you would like to have happen with the transactions.csv file. You have the options to either (1) Open, (2) Save or (3) Save As with a different name.
To Email your CSV File, select Send in E-mail and the following dialog will appear
Complete the To, Subject, and Optional Message Fields, then press Send to E-mail to E-mail your file
Information that you can expect to see stored in your CSV file are shown in the below caption.
Your saved CSV file will include the following data:
Site ID
Site Address
Card Number
Vehicle Number
Card Host
Site Host
Pump Number
Product Code
Product Description
POS PPU (Price Per Unit)
Total Amount
Card Type
Identity Customer Number
Authorization Code
Transaction Status
The Pricing Screen is used to Schedule or Edit New Pump Pricing for any site in your network.
To change stores you can use Select the Location in the drop down menu.
Fuel Product Pricing
Steps for Changing the Fuel Pricing
(1) Click on product that you want to change the price of.
(2) Click the Edit button.
(3) Type the new price.
(4) Click the Save button.
Saving Fuel Product Pricing Information
A system message will pop up displaying the following:
1 - The product that has been changed
2 - The tier that has been changed
3 - The current (old) PPG
4 - The new PPG
Selecting (1) OK will save the changes that have been made.
Selecting (2) Cancel will allow you to make changes that still need to be made.
The same day and time can be selected for immediate price changes
You can be schedule for a later date and time by clicking the box to the right of the effective date.
NOTE: In the above example, the price change will go into effect on 9/18/2014 at 10:00 a.m.
Once the desired date and time have been entered, click the Ok button
Selecting Cancel will cancel changes.
Selecting Edit will allow you to edit the price again
Site Monitoring
Site Monitoring allows you to check your Pump Statuses at a quick glance
The Web Portal will checks the updated pump statuses every 15 minutes, if a pump is Stopped or Undefined, an E-mail Notification will be sent to the Marketer.
The Web Portal will check the communications between the Site Controller and the Outdoor Payment Terminal, if there is a communication loss between the two, an E-mail Notification will be sent to the Marketer.
Pumps can be Stopped and Re-Started by using the (1) Start / (2) Stop buttons on the Site Monitoring page.
Marketing Panel
The Marketing Panel allows you to Add, Delete and Edit Images assigned to the Sites Pumps
Adding an Image
Steps for Adding an Image to a Site Location (1) Choose File to add. Once you have chosen your file Select (2) OK. Select Cancel to choose a different file.
The caption below shows an example of what you will see after you select for File for upload to your site (1). Once you confirm your file is attached. Select (2) OK
A system message will be displayed confirming image upload.
Once Upload is confirmed as shown in Caption below item (1), you will be able to Apply a Start Date (2) and an Expiration Date (3) for the Image. In step (4) Select the Site to Add the Image to and click the Add button (5). Once you click Add you will see that the sites are now Displayed in the Assigned Sites Column (6).
NOTE: The File Size for your image needs to 1024 x 768 pixels or you will receive an error when trying to upload the image.
Deleting the Image
To delete the image, Step 1 Select the Image you want to delete, Step 2 Select Delete Image
Once you select the Delete Image button, a pop up message will appear confirming Image has been deleted. Simply click OK at this point.
Edit Image
To Edit an Image simply select the image you want to edit. For the example below, we have chosen the image christmas card 2018.png then selected Edit Image
Once you click Edit Image you will see the Image Displayed as shown below (1). You select a Start Date (2) and an Expiration Date (3) for the Image. In step (4) Select the Site to Edit the Image for and click the Remove button (5). Once you click Remove you will see that the image is removed.