TravStar1 Point Of Sale SystemCashier TrainingFuel FunctionsHow do I Move a Prepay on a Dispenser that was Accidentally Prepaid to the Wrong Pump?

How do I Move a Prepay on a Dispenser that was Accidentally Prepaid to the Wrong Pump?

This lesson will teach you how to move a prepay on a dispenser that was accidentally set up on the wrong pump

In this example we have set up a Prepay on Pump 5 

Step 1 - Select Dispenser Number that the prepay needs to be moved from

Step 2 - Select Move Prepay Button

Register will then display a window where you will enter the dispenser number the Prepay needs to be moved to. Enter the dispenser number then click OK.

After you enter the dispenser number you are moving your prepay to you will get a system message stating that the prepay has been canceled for Dispenser 5 and that destination dispenser 6 now displays authorized for the PrePay