How Do I Apply a Buydown ID to Multiple Items?

This lesson will teach you how to assign a Buydown ID to multiple items.



From the main menu, click on the "PriceBook" button.

Auto Field Change

Auto Field Change

From the pricebook menu, click on the "Auto Field Change" button.

Automatic Item Field Update

Automatic Item Field Update

The Automatic Item Field Update screen is a useful tool for making changes to a large group of stock items.

Select Option

Select Option

You will be required to choose how you want to sort the items you are editing. After you have clicked the preferred sorting method, click the "OK" button.

For this example we will be applying the Mix Match ID to Department 006. Everything in this department is going to receive a Buydown ID of 01.

Beginning Sort

Beginning Sort

From the Begin department screen, type in the department you wish to begin applying the mix match code to. Then click the "OK" button.

Note: Since in this example we are sorting by department, you will be prompted to enter in a beginning and ending department. If you had chosen to sort by stock number, then you would be required to enter in a beginning and ending stock number. This goes for all sorting options.

Ending Sort

Ending Sort

From the End department screen, type in the department you wish to end applying the mix match code to. Then click the "OK" button.

Enter Buydown ID

Enter Buydown ID

(1) Click on the down arrow to scroll to the bottom of the Automatic Item Field Update screen,

(2) From the Automatic Item Field Update screen, confirm that you have selected the correct sorting method and beginning and ending values.

(3) Click inside the Value column for the the Buydown ID row. Type in the Buydown ID you want to apply to the item. Press the enter key on your keyboard.

(4) Click on the "OK" button.



Click on the "Yes" button.



Click on the "OK" button.