How do I add a Transaction to a Fleet Transaction when Fueling Prior to Paying
Completing a Truck Fleet Transaction after Fueling
When the driver has finished fueling, the transaction will be sent inside and will be displayed on the register as a Flashing Dollar Sign.

Merging the Sale with the Truck Fleet Transaction
Step 1 - Select New Fleet

After selecting New Fleet, a system message will be displayed asking for the driver to swipe his card. Select OK to swipe card or Cancel to select an alternate Tender method.

Step 2 - After Selecting Tender Type a System Message Pre-Edit Fuel Selection screen will be displayed.
You will then select the pump. In the example below we will select Pump 5

Step 3 - Select Yes to Proceed with the transaction.

A Pre-Edit Fuel Selection System Message will be displayed on the register. You will notice that the Flashing Dollar Sign now has a check mark displayed. At this point, (1) Select Truck then (2) Select Accept

The Fleet Data Entry Screen will then be displayed with your transaction, Press Ring Sale

The Transaction will then Ring up on the Register and you will see that the transaction status now shows "Sale in Progress".
Adding Additional Items to your Fuel Transaction
The following steps will show you how to add additional items to your fuel transaction. Step 1 - Select the item you would like to add. For this example, we have chosen Food Service.
A System Message will display on your Register informing you that you are ringing a non-fuel item in the fuel desk sale. Step 2 - You will press Yes to proceed with the sale.

Step 3 - Select the Food Item you would like to ring up with the sale. For this example, we have selected Burritos. After selecting Yes to add your non-fuel item, you will select Sub Total and you will see that the transaction has been updated on your register to include the additional item with your fuel transaction.
You can then ring out the sale for the tender being used. In the example below, we will Touch the Credit button and have customer either swipe or insert their card into the MX 915 (EMV) Pinpad Card Reader Slot.

Once the card is inserted into the MX915 Pinpad Slot. Credit, Debit, EBT buttons will be displayed on the MX 915 pinpad.

For Credit transaction, the "Select Credit" message on the MX 915 Pinpad will be displayed.
Press YES if amount is correct.

If a PIN is required, a message Please enter your PIN will be displayed.

Enter PIN, and press Enter.
Note: When using Fleet Cards such as COMDATA, Fleet One or EFS the customer will be asked for additional information such as their Driver ID
"Please Wait, Do Not Remove Card" will then be displayed on the pinpad
Requesting Credit

The Register will display a System Message that the transaction information is being sent to the credit card processor.
If a signature is required, a signature box will be displayed on the Pinpad

Once the transaction is approved a large TFT receipt will print for the customer.