TravStar1 Point Of Sale SystemCashier TrainingSelling ItemsHow Do I Suspend and Resume a Transaction?

How Do I Suspend and Resume a Transaction?

This lesson will teach you how to suspend a transaction to free up your register.  You will also learn how you can resume a suspended transaction.

Sale In Progress

Sale In Progress

If you have a Sale in Progress that you are not yet ready to tender, but you need to wait on other customers, you can place this transaction in a suspended state until you are able to finish it.

Suspend Sale

Suspend Sale

Touch the "Suspend Sale" button.

Register Status

Register Status

You will notice

(1) The register Status has changed from Sale in Progress to Idle.

(2) The date and time have been replaced by Suspended Sale.  This indicates that you currently have one or more Suspended Sales.

You can now perform other transactions.  The transaction will remain suspended until you are ready to resume it.

It is important to note that you will not be able close out your shift on the register if you have a suspended sale.

Resume Sale

Resume Sale

When you are ready to return to the suspended transaction touch the "Resume Sale" button.

Resume Sale

Resume Sale

(1) Touch the transaction you want to resume.

(2) Touch the "Select" button.