How Do I Ring Multiples of an Item without Scanning It Multiple Times?

This lesson will teach you how to ring multiples of an item.

Enter The Quantity

Enter The Quantity

Type the quantity of the item using the number pad on the keyboard.  In this example, we will be ringing 5 bottled waters.

X Times Qty

X Times Qty

Touch the "X Times Qty" button.

X Quantity

X Quantity

Notice that the X Quantity number has changed from 1 to 5.  This indicates that the next item scanned will ring in a quantity of 5.

Scan The Item

Scan The Item

Once the item is scanned, you will notice a quantity of 5

(1) In the top left portion of the screen and

(2) In the receipt preview display.

(3) Also, now that the item has been scanned, notice that the X Quantity has returned to 1.