How Can I Create a Fuel Transaction Manually?

This lesson will teach you how to create a fuel transaction for a specific amount without actually dispensing fuel.

Fuel Adjust

Fuel Adjust

From the dispenser screen, touch the "Fuel Adjust" button.  This will take you to the screen where the Fuel Adjust buttons are located.

Transaction Dollar Amount

Transaction Dollar Amount

Type the dollar amount of the fuel transaction using the number pad on the keyboard.  In this example, the transaction is for 20 dollars.

Fuel Adjust

Fuel Adjust

Touch the "Fuel Adjust" button for the appropriate fuel grade.  In this example, we are creating a transaction for unleaded fuel so we will touch the "Fuel Adjust Unleaded" button.

Sale In Progress

Sale In Progress

Your Fuel Adjust transaction is now a Sale in Progress and is ready to be tendered.