How Do I Edit a Sale and Price Bulletin?

This lesson will teach you how to edit an existing sal and price bulletin.

Advance Merchandising

Advance Merchandising

From the main menu, click on the "Advance Merchandising" button.

Sales and Price Bulletins

Sales and Price Bulletins

From the Advanced Merchandising menu, click on the "Sales and Price Bulletins" button.

The Sales and Price Bulletins module is used to run discounts for items within the given date ranges.

Stop Sale

Stop Sale

(1) From the Price Bulletin screen, click on the sale and price bulletin you want to edit.

(2) Click on the "Stop" button. The status of the sale will change to say "Aborted."

Edit Price Bulletin

Edit Price Bulletin

(1) Click on the "Edit" button.

(2) Click each column to make changes to the bulletin type, start date, or end date.

(3) Click on the "Apply" button.

Start Bulletin

Start Bulletin

From the Sales and Price Bulletins screen, click on the "Start" button.